Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an appointment?
Appointments are extremely helpful, but in emergency situations, are not required.
Can I see a particular vet?
You certainly may request a particular vet, however, please understand that your requested vet may not always be available.
Why can't my pet have medication without an appointment?
It is a legal requirement that a patient must be under current medical care in order to obtain prescription medication. Even medication refills can only be administered a) under the authorisation of a veterinarian, and b) within 180 days of the patient being seen, provided the veterinarian agrees to refill the medication.
Do you do accounts?
No we do not. We do offer a range of options to help clients cover the cost of care; CritterCare or VetPay.
Does my pet need a blood test before an anaesthetic?
In certain situations, yes. We strongly recommend blood testing annually regardless of the pet’s age, and will require it prior to lengthy and non-routine procedures.

Why does my cat have to be in a basket? She hates it!
Because we also treat patients that think of cat’s as entrée’s. It would be a significant shame if your kitty got away from you, and was attacked by a dog, or hit by a car.
What do I do if my pet is injured or ill after business hours?
Call us! Regardless of the time, day or night, weekday or weekend, there is always someone available to handle emergency situations.
My old cat is starting to look unwell. How do I know when it’s time to ease its suffering?
Give us a call, we can talk you through it!
At what age can I have my pet desexed?
A male can be desexed once they have both testes descended. A female can be desexed from 8 weeks of age. We generally recommend desexing around 5 – 6 months of age for both sexes.
How long do the sutures stay in after my pet's surgery?
We use dissolvable sutures, that are beneath the skin and therefore do not need to be removed.
Do you board pets?
We can do day-boarding for people travelling to Fraser Island or seeing the sights for the day, but prefer not to “board” animals for long periods of time.